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Breakout Presentation

April Wu CultureCon.jpg

Presentation Details

This presentation promises to unfold the integral role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in fostering a vibrant workplace culture. Through a blend of storytelling and lessons learned, we'll explore the challenges and solutions surrounding early stage business growth including employee hiring, customer onboarding, performance management and culture metrics. 


Throughout the presentation, our focus will highlight the ways in which ERP acts as a catalyst for creating adaptable, inclusive work environments. We will highlight the system's array of features designed to nurture teamwork and collaboration, streamline managerial oversight and provide immediate access to critical data. 


During this session, you'll:​​

  1. Understand how Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) serves as a cornerstone for small businesses, driving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing productivity, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth.

  2. Discover how ERP fosters a dynamic workplace culture by supporting team building, facilitating seamless communication and simplifying supervision, making the workplace more adaptable and inclusive.


Speaker Bio:

April's journey into entrepreneurship is marked by her unwavering determination and innovative spirit. From her early days in W2 employment to founding InSphere Consulting, she has consistently demonstrated resilience in overcoming challenges and achieving success.


As a passionate advocate for empowering others, April shares her wealth of knowledge and insights through various platforms, including speaking engagements at industry conferences, webinars and podcasts. Her authentic storytelling and practical advice inspire entrepreneurs and professionals navigating career transitions.


At InSphere Consulting, April leads a team of dependable experts dedicated to providing top-tier NetSuite consulting services. Her strategic vision and commitment to excellence have positioned the company as a trusted partner for businesses across diverse industries.


Outside of her professional endeavors, April enjoys exploring new places, sampling local cuisine, and indulging in comedy TV shows. Her adventurous spirit and zest for life shine through in everything she does, making her not only a respected leader but also a relatable and approachable individual.

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