Breakout Presentation

Presentation Details
"The Science of Bite-sized Well-being During Uncertain Times: Evidence, Practice and Resources to Share"
This presentation of the science behind simple, brief and effective interventions to improve workforce well-being is meant to inform, comfort, and inspire.
The audience will review evidence published in top tier journals that both validates and normalizes their emotional exhaustion, and demonstrates that as much as the pandemic was associated with an increase in burnout, we now know through clinical trials that bite-sized well-being interventions can cause well-being to improve in the same magnitude. What took the pandemic 3 years to do can be undone in 10 days using these interventions. This presentation explains the science behind the interventions to improve workforce well-being, and demonstrates the prevalence and severity of well-being deficits, all while informing, comforting, and inspiring a weary workforce.
Through this session, you'll know how to:​​
Implement Bite-Sized Interventions – Use simple, research-backed strategies to significantly improve workforce well-being in as little as 10 days.
Evaluate Well-Being Resources – Assess and apply free, evidence-based tools designed to combat emotional exhaustion and burnout.
Normalize and Address Burnout – Understand the science behind well-being deficits and how brief interventions can reverse the impact of prolonged stress.
Speaker Bio:
Bryan is the Director of the Duke Center for the Advancement of Well-being Science. A psychologist member of the Department of Psychiatry, Bryan is a psychometrician and spends time assessing and improving culture, teamwork, leadership and especially work-force well-being. He has created multiple widely used surveys and interventions, and has published large studies and randomized controlled trials showing how to cause enduring improvements in the well-being of our workforce. His research instruments have been used in over 30 countries, and his interventions, training and coaching are widely used to improve culture and well-being.
A perpetually recovering father of four, he enjoys running, using hand tools on wood, books on Audible, and hearing particularly good explanations of extremely complicated topics.