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Breakout Presentation

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Presentation Details

In today's competitive labor market, not all organizations can vie for talent based on salary and traditional benefits alone. This session explores the strategic creation of an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) that pivots away from financial incentives towards cultivating a unique organizational culture, meaningful growth opportunities, clear advancement pathways, and alignment with core mission values. We'll discuss practical methods for distinguishing your company in a crowded market by developing an EVP that resonates deeply with current and prospective employees. Learn how to articulate and leverage your organization's unique strengths, and how these efforts can significantly enhance team retention across all levels, despite financial constraints.


During this session, you'll:​​

  1. Learn to identify and highlight your organization's unique cultural and developmental strengths to create an EVP that emphasizes mission alignment, culture, and growth opportunities, rather than compensation.

  2. Explore strategies for enriching your company's culture and communication methods to attract and retain talent effectively, making your organization a desirable place to work.

  3. Understand how clearly defined career pathways and continuous development opportunities are essential in driving employee engagement and retention, illustrated through practical examples and case studies.


Speaker Bio:

Madeleine Merchant is a collaborative people/HR leader with over 20 years of progressive operations and HR experience in dynamic environments. She currently serves as the VP, Head of People at SoulCycle, a brand within the Equinox Holdings Portfolio. She's had a variety of experience in high growth start up, large scale global enterprise businesses and portfolio companies.

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